Get Back To Work!

Hi everyone, how are you doing? My week off has come and gone, but I didn't just laze around, as I actually tackled a few bugs. I would have released a hotfix for the patreon version sooner sooner, but the last bug turned into a treasure hunt of sorts, and its presence kept delaying a release.

I also worked a tiny-tiny bit on TOTDC 2, since I was very close to wrapping things up for the early test. I finally got that done, and testers started to give me some feedback. Thankfully it seems to be positive. ^_^ Perhaps I should make a post soon, to show off at least some of the progress. It still needs work before a proper public release, but we can talk about it, for sure.

Anyway not much else to report, as you would expect, I wasn't supposed to work, after all. XD

For the near future, I'll work on a proper scene for the succubus brothel (to follow up the new "teasing" content I added last time), then it's some work on the magic academy, and I think I am finally going to finish the werewolf path the week after. Future plans after that will depend on how long that will take.

So, that's it! I hope you guys are still looking forward to what's coming next for Caliross, I'll see you all next week! ^_^

Get Caliross, The Shapeshifter's Legacy


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Noticed the abbreviation of TOTDC what is that?

Tales of the Drunken Cowboy, a sci-fi game I made before Caliross. My next project will be a sequel to that.