PSA: I Got Sick (I Am Getting Better, Though)

My plan for last week was to rest for a couple of days (which I did) then do some work on TOTDC 2. I did a tiny bit of that, but was a little busy on thursday with IRL stuff and got sick the day after. It seems like a nasty flu, which isn't exactly great for work. As of today, I am doing better, but I figure it's going to be at least another day or two before I am fully recovered.

Honestly, I didn't get much time to think about my short-term plans as a result, but I figure it will be content for Charles, Eloise and Marjorie as I try to get things ready for the orc village. I can't really make good estimates until I get better, so sorry about that.

Anyway, looking forward to getting into the swing of things once things improve. Until then, you can find me wrapped in a blanket somewhere. XD

Get Caliross, The Shapeshifter's Legacy

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