
The quest is coming along nicely! I think the puzzles I have designed are the kind I like (not too difficult, but which will make you feel smart when you line things up). I just need the last (small) map and the final encounter, and the gameplay will be finished (there is still more writing to do, but once the design is in place, it should be easy to write down my thoughts).

On a different note, I am almost ready to update TOTDC 1. The RAGS version already has all the bugfixes and improvements I wanted to make (well, maybe not everything, but everything I could reasonably add without taking too much time), but I am waiting to hear back from the programmer who has helped many times in the past to properly convert my RAGS games to HTML, so I can release both versions at once. I still need to read through and edit the walkthrough I got together with the bug reports, so the game should be easier to navigate in the future. I can't imagine many people can't wait for this update, but hopefully the ones who try it will appreciate it (the number of bugfixes is considerable, and there are some minor changes/improvements as well).

I didn't manage to squeeze in any new scenes for Jin, sadly, but I am sure I'll get to it before the release. Speaking of which, I am going to be absent for a couple of days this week, so the release will likely be around the 21st, so I can get a few more additions in the game.

So for the short term, the plan is to finish the quest, and focus on Jin, then we'll see what's coming up next. Until next time! ^_^

Get Caliross, The Shapeshifter's Legacy

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