Milky Maids Mysteries

The new quest is almost finished! It's taking me some extra time, because of the alternative paths. The quest can actually feature Sariandi, if you are part of the harem, but I also wrote a version of the quest without her if you don't know her (I did this to avoid the even weirder possibility of meeting her after the quest).

She is a friend of the girl that we'll be introducing to "life on the farm", so to speak. It's been fun writing some dialogues for her to at least acknowledge all the possible relationships you have with her, but of course that took some time to organize. The quest itself is fairly simple, but I hope I struck a nice balance on the various elements (also, I hope I closed off all possible sources of bugs, as I had to keep players from leaving Solina during the quest).

Anyway, there is some more writing left, and the questlog to be added, but that should be it. As I mentioned last time, as soon as I wrap this up, I'll be back on working on a different quest.

That's about it for now. Stay tuned for more info on the game's development! ^_^

Get Caliross, The Shapeshifter's Legacy

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