It's A Big Salad

So, this week I finished the quest (I hate it when I can't figure out a good puzzle to close things off, but hopefully this will work). We get to investigate another warehouse of the smuggling ring, although this time it has been cleaned up... Or has it?

Next, I wrote a new scene, for the priestess outfit from the patreon poll (if you partecipated in it, you know which one). You can only get this one if you picked Santhora as your deity at the start, however! This might be changed, but for now I am leaving it as it is.

Finally, I fixed a few bugs here and there. It's always surprising how many issues big and small can go unnoticed, but at least those won't be a problem anymore.

I should send a test version out tomorrow, I think, and depending on how the testing goes, I might release at the end of this week or the start of the next one. In the meantime, I'll see if I can squeeze in one more of the requested scenes, and go from there to add anything I can before the release.

This should be all, but let me know in the comments if you have any questions or thoughts. Until next time! ^_^

Get Caliross, The Shapeshifter's Legacy

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