A Very Calm Week

Nothing particularly out of the ordinary happened. I kept improving the maps: now the commercial district got prettier as well, which means the exterior maps in Tarkas should all have no "black borders" left (I also added a handful of extra dialogues with minor NPCs, depending on which chapter you are on), I worked on the endings (both for writing and to organize some things), I made it so that you can move Lea between Tarkas and Golden Leaf, and I took one day to work on TOTDC 2 (testing a few things with images and music).

It's been remarkably tranquil and benign, so I don't have a lot to say. Next week should also be more of the same, but instead of TOTDC 2 work, I'll probably write a scene or two for Caliross. Until next week! ^_^


Friendly reminder for patrons on tiers from 25$ and above to suggest me a scene before the deadline (June 11, 2022), if they didn't do so already and want to use their one time "bonus".

Get Caliross, The Shapeshifter's Legacy

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