Just In Time

I almost forgot to write the post today! Anyway, I wrote some new scenes this week as well.

Jin got 2, and we explore a little what happens when you give him power over Erica. Instead of you asking things of him, he now will give you orders if you go talk to him during the day. He also can pay a visit if you decide to have a bath...

I wrote some dialogues for the other girls in the harem, if you go have a bath with everyone. Specifically, you can learn a bit more about Amelia and Emmanuelle. For Ajna, I think I'll write a new sex scene, instead, but I didnt' really have the time to do so.

For the rest of the week, I finally got back to work on the final chapter a little. Since there is so much to do, it's not too bad if I focused more on other stuff lately, but I should still make sure I work on it every now and then, so we don't have a long wait once the side quests and other non-essential content is complete.

Next week should be more of the same. Other than writing a scene for Ajna, and checking if I should tweak anything for the other scenes, I'll work on the final chapter a bit more. Testing started this week-end (since the new stuff for the final chapter doesn't need testing yet). As a result, I think this friday should be the day of the update, barring any last minute problems.

I think this should be all. See you soon for the new release of the game! ^_^

Get Caliross, The Shapeshifter's Legacy

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