(Yet Another) Quest Complete!

Hi everyone, I hope you had a nice halloween, if you celebrated it. As the title boldly proclaims, I wrapped things up for the quest nicely last week. I was considering adding an alternative solution to the quest, using Erica's transformation to mimick other people, but I was afraid it might be slightly awkward to work it in, so I decided not to, in the end (I do plan to have more quests which do use that power, however).

Other than that, I took care of some typos and a bugfix or two. Those are never in short supply, but I like to imagine I'll eventually get rid of them all.

Anyway, not much else to say, really. Things went according to plan, so the next two weeks will be an assortment of writing new scenes, trying to push chapter 6 forward, and updating the documentation as necessary. This week or the next one at the latest we should get the usual art preview and polls on Patreon, so stay tuned for those. I should also get around to showing more TOTDC 2 stuff there as well, so good stuff all around, I guess. Until next time! ^_^

Get Caliross, The Shapeshifter's Legacy

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