Keep Calm and Kill Bugs

So, it's not been too long since the release. I have fixed a couple of bugs (I am trying to figure out if there is a third one hidden somewhere, but I might release a hotfix soon, if I can't find it), and I am doing some "experimentation", trying to figure out if I can make a simple "programming puzzle" for chapter 6. It's been interesting, but I might have to scrap it, if I can't design an interesting but not too intricate scenario for it.

The next few days I should work on updating the walkthrough and the H-scenes list, then it's back to more quest work. Maybe I'll add the final encounter with the spider lady, and use this as an excuse to add a new functional library to the game, since I neglected that aspect for too long.

I'll also do more chapter 6 work and I'll sneak in a couple of sexy scenes in the mix (unsurprisingly, the last poll saw "submissive" and "slutty" as the winning themes for the scenes), so it should be a busy month as usual. As I mentioned a few times, I'll also take a week off next month, probably the first week. The game will release next month regardless, just with a slight delay (so probably around the 21st at the latest).

As always, the plans will get tweaked as needed, depending on the circumstances, but this is the general idea for the month. Let me know if you have any questions, and I'll see you guys next week! ^_^

Get Caliross, The Shapeshifter's Legacy

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